Bible verse like a thief in the night
Bible verse like a thief in the night

bible verse like a thief in the night

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bible verse like a thief in the night

The Lord is pointing out the urgent need to be ready for His return. He is stressing that His coming will take the world by surprise. Jesus is emphasizing that the unbelievers will not recognize that He is coming until it is too late. This corresponds exactly with Jesus’ prophecies about His coming being like the appearance of a thief in the night. People will not discern the signs of His coming just as the people during Noah’s day didn’t realize their impending judgment. Just as Jesus had warned His disciples not to be deceived by false Christs because His second coming would be visible to everyone, He also explains that until the very day of His coming, the world will continue on its present course. These verses completely destroy the claims of the Bahai religion and others who claim that Jesus has secretly come back the second time. 2022 Winners Chapel Fasting And Prayer Points.Joel Osteen Live Service at Lakewood Church.

Bible verse like a thief in the night